Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Utilitarianism Vs. Utilitarianism Utilitarianism,...

Reading through the three chapters, what grabbed my attention most was the one on Utilitarianism. I will have some comments throughout this journal from Chapter 4 (egoism, altruism, and social contract) and 6 (Deontological Ethics and Immanuel Kant) because they have a big influence on this chapter. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that relies on the comparison of the overall happiness produced for everyone. It also advocates the precedence of consequence in the judgment of an action. On the former note, I believe that utilitarianism highly opposes secularism. Utilitarianism demands that we should undergo a choice that is directly dependent on producing a greater happiness for more people. However, it is right to question why I’m†¦show more content†¦A utilitarian may thus give a person a choice to adhere to the rules and share these benefits or fly solo and start his/her own civilization from zero. I would prefer the former over the latter. My main idea, however, is that utilitarianism demolishes the value of personal liberty. It is therefore ironic for me that some utilitarian philosophers value liberty even though their views are quite the opposite. Speaking of utilitarian philosophers, two of the influential philosophers that supported utilitarianism were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. I was amazed that a mathematical procedure was suggested by utilitarian philosophers in order to calculate the right ethical solution for general problems. Amount of happiness, intensity, duration, fruitfulness, and likelihood were the guidelines for determining the valid net happiness. I was interested in the likelihood aspect of this proposal. How can we be certain that pleasure can be delivered to certain groups of people as it was initially planned. For instance, let’s say I had a leisure saving of about 5000 dollars. Instead of taking my family on a vacation to Thailand and providing a decent amount of happiness for a week, I decided to bu y a used Audi car to my wife in hopes of providing more happiness for coming few years. It may turn out to be the correct decision if my wife cherishes this gift every day as she uses it instead of taking the bus.Show MoreRelated2074 Final Notes Essay6510 Words   |  27 PagesBusiness Ethics Make Sense? Adam Smith: we are motivated by self interest, and through the invisible hand comes free market competition. This naturally to social utility. / Butcher-brewer-baker quote demonstrates that the exchange of goods if for the benefit of both parties, without no ethics involved in the exchange. / Though competition, comes social harmony and utility. 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